Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Beauty Tips

Would you believe me, if I said: "Everybody is beautiful"?
I feel that beauty was derived from our comparison among others.
This come from my respect for people, so the usage of ugly isn't a word apart of my life.
I acknowledge differences, but I also embrace the differences among people.
 Onward to, beauty tip of the month~
The cold wind gushing from the North Pole, had made Fall here in Minnesota awfully freezing.
With the freezing temperature, my lips have gotten dry and flaky.
First, I have to scape off the flaky skin with a simple brush that is dabbed in petroleum gel.
(Note petroleum gel heal cuts and burn)
After that, I put on chapstick. Chapstick serves as a layer on your lips that seal up moisture
and protect the lip from becoming dry.

-@.@ btw if u don't mind click on those ads on my page to support me :)-

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