Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Security System Version 1.0.4 Patched - iPhone / iPod Touch

Support/Info: iPhone and iPod Touch
“Security System” transforms your iPhone or iPod Touch into a motion and sound activated alarm system.
Whether you want to keep your device safe from thieves or use your device to protect your possessions or privacy, “Security System” is the perfect tool.
When armed, “Security System” detects, quantifies and analyzes motion and nearby sounds. When suspicious spikes in either motion or sound occur, the alarm system produces a blaring sound to ward off thieves/snoops and notify you of their presence.
Besides using it as an alarm system for protecting your standalone iPhone or iPod Touch, there are endless creative uses.
✔ Motion Detection: Arm and place inside your purse. If your purse is picked up, the alarm goes off.
✔ Motion Detection: Arm and place inside a bag that is hung on a doorknob. If the door opens, the alarm goes off.
✔ Sound Detection: Arm and place on a table or desk near an entrance while you are in the next room. If someone comes close and makes noise, the alarm goes off.
✔ Motion and/or sound detection (Note: iPod Touch supports only motion detection)
✔ Choice of a default alarm sound or a custom iPod audio file
✔ Custom disarm code
✔ Delayed trigger gives you 2 seconds to disarm with a custom code before triggering the alarm
✔ Option to automatically arm on startup

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