Sunday, August 28, 2011

Avant Garde

I was strolling in the garden of my home, whereupon I saw a toad.
He grumble a phase at me: "Don't sew a pocket behind the ends of your t-shirt."
Then the clouds dimmed. 
"What a waste of the day," I said, looking up at the sky. "Well Mr. Toad I best leave."
A second notice and no reply. The toad just stood silent on the Lilly pad with its eyes staring at my blue hair.

I find myself confused at some avant garde work and sometimes gaining a minor headache. "Meshes of the Afternoon" is one filled with loads of symbolism coped with repetitiveness. And boy that drumming music was really piercing and annoying! In my opinion, the artist did a great job in conveying the woman's inclination.

Onto the next business, the truth of the matter is that I been thinking of trying to make some avant pieces, maybe on a wallpaper. If I should succeed, I will surely post it up for all to see on this blog! Oh, and I will not try to make things too abstract... Or giving any eye sores.

o__O heres a piece I made a long time ago.. A bit experimental with the position.

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