Sunday, August 28, 2011

My love lost romance

About the age of sixteen, I was hugely obsessed with this famous Korean actor named "Song Seung Hun". In most of his romantic roles, he is portrayed as the artistic, just lover which is amplified by his gorgeous looks. His love-frenzied character helps break the poor girl misery and take her in a love-filled journey; which make a great day-dream for fans during and after his hunky roles.

Currently, I'm not so much into star-crossed, daydreaming romance anymore. Time has progressed and the little teenage girl had moved on. I have moved on into a state of not wanting any romance at all.

Dealing in a romantic relationship, one must devote honesty and commitment. This is something I'm capable of, but I don't desire for any mate. An apparent notion, I should state, that is infused with a feeling from a place bellowing for freedom; the place is selfishness and surely it will lead me to the path of loneliness. I will accept this fate over the other fate for which is full of barren promises.

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