Saturday, October 9, 2010

Fashion Inspiration (Polygon)

An artist got onto a train, settled in an empty seat;
he dug into his brown woven bag for his sketch pad and his pencil.
He found his sketch pad and put it on his lap. His hands didn't feel the pencil, so he
peeled opened his bag and had his eyes scan for the pencil. There was no pencil in sight!
The artist wanted to draw the kinds of animals he saw during his trip on the train
but with no pencil, he couldn't. So he decided to teer off papers from his sketch book and use the papers to make the types of animals he saw. This form of art is known as "Origami". You fold paper to make real-life objects.


Comment below to share some of your origami ideas/experience.
I would love to see some of yall origami-fashion creations ^~^ **toodles**

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