Friday, February 11, 2011

The Pinky Diet Plan

     Okay, so I'm like 10 lbs too many.… 10 lbs over weight… Well, my doctor says that I weight normal for my height but he doesn't know the fat rolls on my tummy! I need to lose that fat. Nevertheless, exercising doesn't work for me because I get hungry afterwards, but then I figured out that I should snack like an hour or two hours before exercising to avoid eating after burning lol. I think I can lose 10lbs in two weeks, if I did these things: avoid fatty food and sugary snacks, eat 1 biotin pill ever day, drink at least five cup of water each day, and jogging for 30 minutes every day. Keep the following in mind:
  • Eat the right amount of calories accordingly to your height/age. (You can calculate your BMR using this site,
  • DO NOT progress losing more weight that would pull you below normal weight of your BMI. (Calculate your BMI on this site:
  • then go check your ideal weight range at,
  • When losing weight fast, your body needs to adapt to the changes, which make you feel more hungry.
  • 3,500 calories = 1 pound of body fat
  • Biotin is a B vitamin supplement that helps your body burn calories basically (for more information of what biotin:

Check your calorie burning ways at
Cliff bar a good energy snack :D

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