Thursday, July 28, 2011

"For Beauty, For Fame" ~~ a candid remix artcle/essay o.o

 Admiration taken far can be deadly, poisonous to one's mind, causing one to do things that may be against their values. One example of this can be examine in the highly publicize disengagement of Crystal Harris to the ever prolific Playboy, Hugh Hefner. She didn't speak much about her disengagement, which caused the media to find other people, who can give them more information; this spiral of curiosity lead the media to spread false rumors about her.

 On Monday, Crystal came on the view to shed some light on her disengagement. She was seated in the middle of the group of woman who co-hosted the show. One of them, Joy Behar, was the first to ask a question that was related to a huge rumor, which was about Crystal Harris running off with the 90k ring and thus made her seemingly in it for the money. Crystal replied, "well, I was intrigued by the whole Playboy life style. And um growing up I'd look up Playboy magazines- and you know, I was insecure and so I thought, could I ever be that girl, could I ever be a playmate.".

That quote from her is a great indicator to what provoked her into marrying Hugh Hefner, which was mainly influence by her admiration for playboy. This admiration that was unfortunately taken far from rationality, made me think back to my youth years. When I was a young girl, I loved being admired and associated admiration to as being loved. I was admired mostly for my beauty. Everywhere I go, people would give me stickers or say I was really pretty. So, being admired for my beauty lead me to think that it was love. I soon wanted this admiration from my many boyfriends during my teen years. Little did I know, that what was consider beauty to them was something I consider "yuck".

 For sure, admiration changed for me as do for many young girls, who viewed admiration as to love. I adapted to this new admiration from my boyfriends and it ultimately made me do the "swung". I was now in a spot of even more confusion. The confusion of beauty, body, love, and respect. Maybe this little admiration that Crystal had as a little girl, from those pretty ladies in Playboy had lead her onto confusion as well.

 All in all, it seem like Playboy twisted beauty and fame up for her and probably for youths everywhere. Moreover, the fame and beauty in Playboy was done up as something prestigious- something to live up to.

This lead me to ponder on the fact of how beauty pull fame in this media frenzy society. I mean how did this worked so well? This equation "beauty to fame" worked with deception and truth; deception was used to twist the truth of beauty in the media, adding fame to make the deceptive beauty appear more true. What truth can young girls find, nowadays, when mostly everywhere they go is influenced by the media?

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