Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The December Break

Woke up this morning, grab an oat meal cookie from the cookie jar-
feeling worn out and inspirationless. 

     When I started this blog, I had a bundle of passion;
I clung to these three ideas: fashion, beauty, and pink.
There were many of topics I could cover with those ideas,
and I did for a short period but during December I lost enthusiasm.
So, I went on a sugar-rush, learning about things that caught
my attention. The supply from the sugar-rush filled me
back with fashion and beauty. (what about pink?? pink lovin' 24/7 chick here)
     This sugarly supply lead back to fashion writing,
but a change in how this blog is being run!
The magazine narrating-style is dropped,
and inverted into a fashion blog running on my inputs.
I promise it won't get too hectic.

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