Friday, January 14, 2011

Polychromatic Outbreak

Sugar- is all around me cooling the air and freezing my feet.
I need a little warmth- Socks! Is the answer.
Now, I can sit comfortably for a short time.

In this cold melancholy season, where colors are mostly gray;
One can find himself/herself in a rut.
Flip a coin and toss it away, you might
ask why I wrote that and I will tell you: I'm bored.
I do have my ways in finding inspiration from sources.
Hmmm. . . I find inspiration from things I think cool.
Cool in a way that is strange, that I find interesting to a point
that I could sublime my imagination into.
Here is a list of what inspires me (I hope you find inspiration from them too.)

- Dj Tiesto's songs
- Commericals
- Facebook
- Watching runways
- Being moody

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